
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

You Must Be True To Your Heart..

Mulan, 98 Degrees & Stevie Wonder had it right- you've gotta be true to YOUR heart!  Also: Festivals are awesome.

I don’t know about you, but I thought that peer pressure (and the need to be like the cool kids) was just an adolescent phase.  When I left high school I knew that surely college would be different- I wouldn’t feel like I had to dress or look or act a certain way, I could be completely Brittany and not apologize for it.  Well, things didn’t go the way I thought they might.

In fact, the peer pressure cycle has continued itself through nearly every major stage of my life- first in recruiting post college, next in searching for a new job after a reduction in force caused me to lose my first job...  now peer pressure seems to be rearing its ugly head again as I start school- and I haven’t even had my first class yet!  Between huge career fairs, receptions, and recruiters striking up conversation at any and every moment, there are tons of events dedicated entirely to recruitment (translation: having to be ON all the time- hello awkward networking).

This is all great, but with unlimited recruitment opportunities, and tons of unsolicited invitations to interview- how can you say no?  And beyond that- do you have the right to say no?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Networking 101: But I'm So AWKWARD.

Yes, I realize that this picture is, in and of itself, awkward.  It's the best I could find, though!  That feisty Google...

I don’t know what it is about our generation, but we are so very, painfully, laughably awkward.  We don’t always know what to say, when we do know what to say it often comes out wrong, and we have a terrible habit of body language that can often communicate: “Hey, you should probably avoid me.  Because I feel uncomfortable.  Or at least, I’d really rather be talking to people who I know instead of talking to you about things that mean nothing.”  Okay so maybe that’s not all of us, but the awkwardness of our generation is no secret!  It’s in movies (Superbad, Bridesmaids), television (The Office, Parks & Recreation) and even literature (I haven’t even read it, but Twilight seems like the ultimate awkward teen tale posturing as a sexy adventurous romance).

The fact that everybody knows we’re awkward is actually to our extreme advantage!  It’s true that self-deprecating humor and sarcasm aren’t always the best route when it comes to networking in professional settings, but I’ve found that embracing the awkward in me goes a long way when it comes to breaking the ice.

So, for this inaugural blog post I have decided to break down two very specific (and very relevant for you young professionals and potential-MBAs) kinds of events where awkwardness can be at your detriment or used to your benefit.

Situation: The Cocktail Party
Aka Umm Is It Really Ok to Drink Here?

Your boss is throwing a cocktail party to celebrate new investors in the company/say farewell to an amazing co-worker/introduce friends of the organization to employees/make you feel awkward.  There are tons of free food & drinks (delicious), a handful of people that you know (your co-workers) and a whole bunch of people you’ve never seen before (Them).  You’d be completely comfortable & in your element, if only your co-workers would stop networking with Them!