
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

You Must Be True To Your Heart..

Mulan, 98 Degrees & Stevie Wonder had it right- you've gotta be true to YOUR heart!  Also: Festivals are awesome.

I don’t know about you, but I thought that peer pressure (and the need to be like the cool kids) was just an adolescent phase.  When I left high school I knew that surely college would be different- I wouldn’t feel like I had to dress or look or act a certain way, I could be completely Brittany and not apologize for it.  Well, things didn’t go the way I thought they might.

In fact, the peer pressure cycle has continued itself through nearly every major stage of my life- first in recruiting post college, next in searching for a new job after a reduction in force caused me to lose my first job...  now peer pressure seems to be rearing its ugly head again as I start school- and I haven’t even had my first class yet!  Between huge career fairs, receptions, and recruiters striking up conversation at any and every moment, there are tons of events dedicated entirely to recruitment (translation: having to be ON all the time- hello awkward networking).

This is all great, but with unlimited recruitment opportunities, and tons of unsolicited invitations to interview- how can you say no?  And beyond that- do you have the right to say no?

Yes, I know what you’re thinking: “Um, why would you WANT to say no? You’re in b-school to change your career, girl.  Get it together!”  You’re right- I am pursuing my MBA because I want to switch up my career and because ultimately I would like to start my own venture.  Through the super introspective process of applying to school (which I will talk much more about in future posts), I found several persistent themes in what I want from my next professional experience:
  • Marketing and all the nitty gritty that comes with it.  Yes, I want the freedom to work with creative teams, coming up with innovative ideas that create engaging experiences, but I also want to actively shape brand/product strategy & to be given P&L responsibility along with much more.
  • Retail/Lifestyle Brands.  I love working with brands- but what I love even more is working with brands that people use to communicate a part of who they are.  Look down at what you’re wearing- whether the effort was great or small, some part of you choose your clothing in accordance with the core of who you are.  The same can often be said for what we eat, drink, where (and how) we spend our leisure time, etc.
  • Social Responsibility. My time with taught me tons about the cause space- but it also showed me just how important responsibility is to me.  I’ll spend about 80% of my life at my job- and it darn well better have responsibility (to the planet & local/global community) right up there with its main goals & objectives.
  • Appreciation. I want to be with an organization that wants me.  Not an organization that wants such and such MBA from so and so ranked school- an organization that wants Brittany Castaneda.  The organization I join needs to be committed to not only demanding top performance but facilitating strong development and support.
  • Location.  I want to live in an urban city.  I love New York and I’m not ready to move back to Columbus (or somewhere too similar) at the moment.

I won’t lie- I got sidetracked a few times and was very tempted to try to interview with certain organizations that did NOT fit this list whatsoever.  Of course those orgs are still great places with amazing people- they just don’t fit my personal needs- and in a career-switching job search that, my friends, is of ultimate importance.

My advice to you career switchers & job seekers (in a neat little list):
  • Create Your OWN List.  Your list doesn’t have to be as short or long or detailed as mine- but really think about what moves you, what inspires you- what makes YOU happy?  Like I said, we spend 80% of our lives at our jobs.  That’s time we can’t get back- and we absolutely deserve to love it.
  • Your list can (and probably will) change- and that’s OK.  That’s actually GREAT.  Whenever your list evolves it means that you are growing and learning more about yourself as a professional and as a person in general.
  • Don’t Be Too Rigid.  Does a potential company only meet 3 out of your 4?  Does it meet every criteria except for a few details?  It’s okay to compromise on a few of your items, especially when you see the potential for those areas to develop as time goes on.  The point is you have to find your own limits- where are you no longer willing to negotiate?
When it comes to the job hunt and recruitment process, it’s so easy and tempting to just do what everyone else is doing- especially when that beaten path is lined with nice salaries and signing bonuses.  Do you want to go into financial services?  Great!  Ready to embrace consumer goods brand management?  Perfect!

The point is: find out what moves you, and follow that!  Don’t let what you think that you should be doing pull you away from everything that you can do.
The world is yours- you’ve just gotta clear your vision so that you can grab what you want!

Questions?  Got your own story?  Leave a comment below, or email me at!  

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Hey Britt, so...